Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purpose only!!!

In this blog we will exploit “Easy Chat” server and services. Here, we are considering “Easy Chat” application as an internal chatting windows based application which is used for chatting internally within the organization with different people or employees.
In information gathering blog we already gathered information about “Easy Chat” server. Now, In this blog we will exploit this service by using “Metasploit” framework.
Metasploit tool helps penetration testers to find out loopholes or vulnerabilities in the applications, network and exploit those vulnerabilities by using Metasploit-framework.
“Easy Chat” server and its application into Windows7 VirtualBox system is shown below.

How chat is done in this application after registering users. I registered to users whose name is “r” & “n” they are chatting as below.

Now, we search exploit for “Easy Chat” server in Metasploit-Framework.

We found exploit for “Easy Chat” server in Metasploit-Framework. Now first we type the command “show option” to see the options which are required to run this exploit.

Now, we type the command “show target” to see the target options which are required to set in this exploit because sometimes different TARGET options are present, so we have to select TARGET exploit accordingly.

We are setting other options for “Easy Chat” server as well such as, set RHOST IP address of Windows 7 machine, set RPORT the port number on which “Easy Chat” server is running and that we already know from Nmap scan.

Now, after all these configurations we simply type command “exploit” then Metasploit-framework exploit start exploiting “Easy Chat” server service on Windows 7 machine. We can see that we have successfully exploited the Windows 7 machine through “Easy Chat” server service because this service was using vulnerable server version.

We got “meterpreter” session on which we will use command line means we have got access to the Windows7 system. To verify it we can type Windows command such as “ipconfig” to show IP address of Window 7 machine.

We can type other commands as well such as “sysinfo” in meterpreter session command line to show system information of Windows 7 machine.

How to Prevent:
- Update such server and client with latest version to patch the vulnerabilities.
- https://www.metasploit.com/
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/midsection-of-man-working-326522/
- https://www.exploit-db.com/apps/c682138ebbea9af7948a3f142bbd054b-ecssetup.exe