Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only!!!

For creating IT Infrastructure environment we installed different Operating Systems for different purposes and fulfill the different requirements in VirtualBox environment.

First we installed Kali Linux as the main Operating System in Laptop or you can install Kali Linux operating system in VirtualBox as well. Now, by doing these we can perform different tasks in a proper way.

Kali Linux Operating System (Main Machine)

Windows 7 (VirtualBox)

Ubuntu OS (VirtualBox)

VyOS Network OS (Virtualbox)

Trixbox VOIP Server (VirtualBox)

Once all the required operating systems are installed on Oracle VirtualBox it will look like this

The Oracle VirtualBox will provide a platform to install different operating systems on main operating system with less memory usage, network connectivity and no extra hardware requirement on the base operating system such as Kali Linux machine.

For configuring infrastructure environment by connecting each system with each other, we can choose “Bridge Network Connection” in VirtualBox in network settings so the Kali Linux system and other operating system can communicate with each other through Wi-Fi network which we are connected and automatically assigned with local IP addresses.

Now its time to start installing Softwares & Servers which run on a particular protocol on different operating systems.

Trixbox VOIP Server:

Login to web Interface of Trixbox and this will show all details in VOIP server through GUI interface.

Creating VOIP users and Configuration for VOIP calls – First we have to create user, register the user, assign number like mobile number and other configuration settings through GUI based web interface of Trixbox. We have created three users ,registered these users and assigned numbers like mobile number to them.

Windows 7 Operating System

WampServer 2.0 version for Web Application and Databases

Easy Chat Server is used for chatting different people or same department employees in the organization.

Filezilla Server is used for file transfer using FTP and FTP over TLS which provides secure encrypted connections to the server.

Zoiper Application is used for free softphone to make VoIP calls by using your Trixbox PBX. So, we installed this as a customer application in Windows 7.

BadBlue Server is used as File Sharing Server for sharing photos, music, videos, and business files in an organization.

Ubuntu Operating System

Dovecot Mail Server is an open source mail server for IMAP and POP3 protocols in Linux systems.

VyOS Network Operating System

We used VyOS for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) as a network monitoring system. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) uses concept of communities with authorization set to “Read Only” or to “Read and Write“.

Kali Linux Operating System

Zoiper Application is used for free softphone to make VoIP calls through Trixbox PBX, So we have also installed this in Kali Linux as a customer application to call Zoiper application customer in Windows 7 system

Few important points are mentioned below:

  • We have installed Trixbox in VirtualBox as already shown above and we used local network for VOIP calls & SIP protocol with Port number “5060” as UDP protocol.
  • We have installed Easy Chat Server for chatting with different users in the local network which is running on particular Port “81” and used protocol “http” in Windows 7 VM.
  • We have installed WampServer for running websites in local network which is running on Port “80” and used protocol “http” in Windows 7 VM.
  • We have installed BadBlue Server for file sharing in local network which runs on Port “80” and used protocol “http” in Windows 7 VM. But sometimes we need to stop wampserver to run this.
  • We have installed FileZilla Server for file uploading and downloading from FTP server or host which is running on Port “21” and used protocol “FTP” in Windows 7 VM.
  • We have also installed Dovecot Mail Server for POP3 and IMAP email server which is running on particular Port “110 ” and used protocol “POP3” and “143” & used protocol “IMAP” in Ubuntu VM. We also installed squirrelmail for mail UI purpose.
  • We have started Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Service for network monitoring which is running on Port “161 of UDP” and used protocol “SNMP” in VyOS VM.
  • We have started Secure Shell Service for secure remote network accessing VyOS this runs on particular Port “161 of UDP”.
  • We have configured Nessus Vulnerability Scanner software which runs on particular Port “8834”.

References to Download required Applications and Servers:

  • Devecot: https://repo.dovecot.org/
  • VyOS: https://vyos.io/
  • Trixbox: https://sourceforge.net/projects/asteriskathome/
  • Easy chat: https://www.exploit-db.com/apps/c682138ebbea9af7948a3f142bbd054b-ecssetup.exe
  • Badblue: https://www.exploit-db.com/apps/396bedff015be885c1719f39f4561081-badblue.tar_.gz
  • Mail UI: https://squirrelmail.org/
  • Zoiper Application: https://www.zoiper.com/en/voip-softphone/download/current
  • Filezilla: https://www.filehorse.com/download-filezilla-server/35354/download/

In this blog we have shown what are the applications and servers used for creating infrastructure pentest own lab setup in VirtualBox. Now, our lab is ready to start working on penetration testing activities on these different services and environments.